If you were or are in a relationship where you started dating your partner when you or they were in their mid teens, and you're still together or whatever, this is not aimed at you. This is aimed at the people who try to say age is just a number, but really...well they need to date someone more mature.
I am posting an edited version of a conversation I witnessed on facebook. My friend is a 22-23 year old guy who CUT HIMSELF when his jailbait girlfriend cheated on him and left him for a younger guy. He is way too immature and emotionally weak to be dating someone right now if he thinks cutting is an appropriate coping skill. Do I think he's a bad person? No. I think he has shit to deal with. Being with this girl will not solve his problems.
They're back together now, and what you are about to read begins with something the Jailbait Princess posted on his Wall. The immaturity level exhibited by Jailbait Princess and my Emo Friend is kind of lame. WARNING: VERY LONG.
Jailbait girlfriend I want everyone to know if me and J don't work out this time it wont be because of me it will be because of all the shit talking that it going on. Me and him are both getting over everything and I am trying to prove that I love him with my whole heart and nothing will ever change that. Im only human I make mistakes but im done hurting him. He is the one im meant to be with but honestly if you all can't just let us be happy than this isn't gonna work so if you don't wanna see him hurt than please just accept the fact that we love eachother and are meant to be together. Thanks(:
20-something Emo Thank you for saying exactly how I feel as well baby
March 5 at 4:31pm
Jailbait girlfriend Your welcome sweetheart(: I loveeeeeee youuuuu!
March 5 at 4:36pm
20-something Emo I wanna spend the rest of my life with you
March 5 at 4:40pm ·
Jailbait girlfriend I feel the same way. To bad everyone else can't be mature and see it
March 5 at 4:49pm ·
You know J, normally I am the one who doesn't speak up until he feels something is really needed to be said/ important. But for both of you to say that if you two don't work out that it is because of the people that are shit talking just think a little bit about that. Seriously bud, I look at you as a brother and it bothers me to see how this is working out. As a friend I do want you to be happy don't get me wrong. The people who call themselves your friends really do care and I've seen your arms after you and N split last time. I really do not wanna see knife marks down your arms and your dumb excuses that it was the cat. Just keep in mind that if you have an issue with me that de-friending me on facebook will not break my heart because that just shows how much you are actually being bull-headed when I am not being scared to show you what is on my mind.
March 6 at 12:27am ·
Jailbait girlfriend
Everything you just said shows exactly why me and him should be togetherwe obviously make eachother happy and the fact that everyone is trying to take that away from him again because they "don't wanna see him hurt" makes no sensehe's choosing to have me in his life and I am beyond grateful for thatI know I screwed up in the past but I just wish everyone would look at the situation from our point of view because it hurts me so much that his friends and family hate me because I will do anything to prove things are different this time
March 6 at 2:04am ·
20-something Emo She's right drano with her I am truly happy and I feel complete and like I have a purpose and for my supposed friends to try and judge me like this affects them in the same way it does me makes me doubt their ability to be my friends. I'm not saying that to just you but I will be damned if I'm going to let people that are supposed to care about me ruin my happiness I will let them go if they feel that they need to keep saying all these rude things to her
March 6 at 4:38am ·
Jailbait girlfriend Thankyou for sticking up for me babe it means alot
March 6 at 6:06am ·
20-something Emo Of course baby you mean everything to me and I will not stand by and let people that are supposed to care about me continue to bad mouth you and disrespect you
March 6 at 7:04am ·
Friend 2
Ok I have kept my mouth shut as long as I could, I was just going to stay out of this whole thing and see how it played out but I cannot take it any more. I'm not saying any thing bad about N let's just talk about you. About fucking arm the last time, or the way that you tryed to order me around at the Wednesday game the second time, or all the shit that you went through the first time man. Do what you want sir but also take a moment to think about what all of as u call them "supposed friends" have been saying with a level head and keep this in mind a friend will tell u what u want to hear, and a true friend will tell u what u need to hear. So go a head and block me or delete me or whatever u have done to everyone else who has posted what the think I'm done. Peace
March 6 at 12:56pm ·
20-something Emo
I'm sorry to hear that C I really am I'm doing what makes me happy man I figured you all would be happy and just let the past go we can't ever change it but we can learn and grow from it. N did what she did because she needed to figure things out for her and she realized that I'm the better man and isn't going to mess this up this time. I trust her when she says that and everything feels different for the better this time around. If you choose to be that way fine it says a lot about your character but I want you to know that sierra went and pissed off my mom so that's why I finally deleted her from my friends on here
March 6 at 1:29pm ·
Friend 2
I never once said that I was done with you sir, I didn't say I won't be there for you if and when shit goes south. I think it is great that you are happy I just really feel that you need to take some of the stuff that your friends are saying to you to heart and actually think on it. I only want the best of you, I have been your friend longer than any one that has said any thing to you and have not said any thing bad about her or you. I'm not trying to come between the two of you, I wouldn't do that and you know that, but the fact that you think that I meant that I'm done with you only shows what u think of my character and that hurts my friend. You are a grown man capable of making your own decisions. And if you trust her that's fantatic so do I but as a great movie once said "I don't trust her demons". I wish you all the best and if you ever want to talk about what I have said or any thing else u still have my number
March 6 at 2:38pm ·
20-something Emo My only response to that will be that facebook needs to invent emotion sensitive text lol
March 6 at 2:44pm ·
Friend 3
J, you're an awesome guy, and she's lucky to have you, and I'm immensely happy to finally see you happy again. I will say this though, you can't essentially say "If we don't work out this time, it'll be your guys fault" because that's not true. Your relationship is your guys business, good or bad, working or not and believe me, there WILL be bumps in the road. I'm saying this in general EVERY relationship has it's bumps, but it's how the two people in the relationship deal with those bumps that determines whether or not it's going to work, not what other people say about the relationship, that's like blaming your own actions on someone else because they told you to do something, you control yourselves and your actions/reactions, no one else.
That being said, it is great you are happy together, be sure you are happy with yourselves as well as each other too. Much love and prayers to you both.
That being said, it is great you are happy together, be sure you are happy with yourselves as well as each other too. Much love and prayers to you both.
March 7 at 6:43pm ·
Friend 4 J You have heard my side and I have one more thing to say to N. If you are the woman you say you are and you are never going to hurt him again I will do any and everything I can to help the two of you with anything you need. I do not want to see J hurt and if you make J happy great. J also needs a social life, I would like to see him again. He Is someone who helped me a few times and besides he owes me babysitting days. If you want to be with him then his friends may be a part of him too.
Yesterday at 6:11am ·
Jailbait girlfriend I never say they can't. I tell him to hang with his friends. Its not my fault he works all the time and chooses to spend time with me. Yell at him for not spending time with you not me.
Yesterday at 6:46am ·
20-something Emo Again true Ja I have four jobs now
Yesterday at 6:49am ·
Friend 2 I don't think she ment it as "hey let him hang out with his friends" as she was saying u can hang out with him and his friends too, not every 1 is trying to single you out here lol
Yesterday at 8:12am ·
Jailbait girlfriend Well that's how it feels. Everyone is making it like im a terrible person and they hate me. Especially you C
Yesterday at 8:37am
20-something Emo She has a point I get that everyone is worried about me but a huge amount of you are going about letting me know it a really really rude and insulting way
Yesterday at 8:58am
Friend 4 J you know that I care about you and I want to see you happy. And I didnt know you still had 4 jobs I thought you dropped down to 2. Anyways, I want to see you and N happy together if that is what makes you happy. If you can find the time let me know and I can make time to hang with the two of you.
Yesterday at 12:17pm
This is just my opinion. If they make it work, I'll be happy for them of course. But I doubt it. This kind of immaturity just can't be fixed by puppy love.
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